- New Don’t Bank on the Bomb Report!by Anduin DevosGraphic via ICAN The new Don’t Bank on the Bomb report came out today with a breakdown and analysis of the nuclear weapons producers and their financial backers. “At Great Cost: The companies building nuclear weapons and their financiers” is a joint publication of PAX and ICAN. Read the full report below, but first some… Read more: New Don’t Bank on the Bomb Report!
- DC report, January 2025by Anduin DevosOn Capitol Hill Our most recent week of action on Capitol Hill was packed with action to put pressure on our government and the nuclear weapons companies to embrace the abolition of nuclear weapons and the transition to a green economy. We started on January 22nd, the 4th anniversary of the Treaty on the Prohibition… Read more: DC report, January 2025
- Trump calls for “denuclearization”by TIMMON WALLISHiroshima after atomic bombing, Aug. 1945 On January 23rd, in a video address to the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Donald Trump made a surprise announcement: “We’d like to see denuclearization,” he said. He went on to claim that he had been working with Putin during his previous term as President “on… Read more: Trump calls for “denuclearization”
- Join us in DC!by Anduin DevosWe have some exciting things planned in DC for January 2025 and we hope you will join us if you can! And if you can’t, there are other ways you can support and get involved in the work we will be doing that week. Read on to see the full schedule we’re building, and fill… Read more: Join us in DC!
- Demystifying Divestmentby Anduin Devos1pm ET, January 16th, 2025 Learn how to move our money out of the industries that threaten our shared future. Divestment is a powerful tool being used around the world to put pressure on the companies maintaining the fossil fuel and nuclear weapons industries. Join us for a webinar to demystify divestment. Learn about the… Read more: Demystifying Divestment
- Urging the Governor to Create a Commissionby Anduin DevosBoston, Massachusetts Dec, 4th, 2024- Representatives of the Massachusetts Warheads to Windmills Coalition delivered a letter with Senator Jo Comerford to Governor Healey calling on her to establish a nuclear weapons and climate commission to lead Massachusetts into a safer and more sustainable future. The Massachusetts coalition has been steadily and actively pushing for the… Read more: Urging the Governor to Create a Commission