A solidarity campaign with groups around the world working to eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear weapons:
Is your organization a partner of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)?
Is your organization a partner of the Fossil Fuel Treaty global network?
At the national level (US):
President Biden:
Write to President Biden and urge him to sign the Nuclear Ban Treaty
Write to your US Representative urging them to support the Norton Bill
At the state level (in some states):
Write to your MA State Rep to support a Mass Nuclear Weapons and Climate Commission
At the town and city level:
Getting municipalities to divest from fossil fuels and nuclear weapons:
Example of city divestment resolution
Example of city disqualification of bidders Home Rule Petition
Example of city Nuclear Free Zone ordinance
In the organizations and groups you are part of:
Getting community groups, faith communities, businesses, schools, colleges, hospitals to divest and take other actions to pressure politicians and the companies to take action