Massachusetts State W2W Coalition

Join the MA coalition

Coalition partners include: Mass Peace Action | 350 Mass | Traprock Center for Peace and Justice | Center for Nonviolent Solutions | NuclearBan.US | Climate Action Now | Mass Interfaith Power and Light | New England Peace Pagoda | Better Future Project | Nuclear Free Future Coalition | First Churches Peace & Justice Northampton | Western Mass CodePink | Watertown Citizens for Peace | Justice and the Environment | Haydenville Congregational Church | Peace and Justice Steering Committee | Citizen’s Climate Lobby Hilltowns Mass Chapter | Pax Christi MA | Northampton Friends Meeting | Springfield Climate Justice Coalition | Progressive Democrats of America, MA | Newton Dialogues on Peace and War | Demilitarize Western Mass | Veterans for Peace, Smedley D. Butler Brigade

A coalition of organizations in Massachusetts who want to work together to address the twin existential threats of climate change and nuclear war at one and the same time.  The coalition’s full demand is that the US and the other 8 nuclear armed nations eliminate their nuclear weapons, based on the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and use those human and financial resources to seriously address the climate crisis.  In Massachusetts, the coalition works to bring awareness to these two joint issues of climate and nuclear weapons and influence broader action for this cause.

The Citizens Commission

Our state legislation, H. 738 and S.1488, calling for the creation of a Citizens Nuclear Weapons and Climate Commission in Massachusetts.  This commission, appointed by state officials with recommendations from statewide peace and climate organizations, would investigate and advise on the state’s involvement and investment in nuclear weapons, and the transition of these resources to green technologies necessary for addressing the climate crisis.

Take Action!

Are you representing an organization that supports the Citizens Commission? Sign onto this form to officially endorse the bills!

Alongside organizations such as:

NuclearBan.US | 350 Mass | Massachusetts Peace Action | Center for Nonviolent Solutions | New England Peace Pagoda | Traprock Center for Peace and Justice | Better Future Project | Nuclear Free Future Coalition | First Churches Justice & Peace, Northampton | Climate Action Now | Mass Interfaith Power and Light | Greater Boston PSR | Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment | Indivisible Northampton | Interfaith Council of Franklin County | Citizen’s Climate Lobby Hilltowns Mass Chapter | Haydenville Congregational Church, Peace and Justice Steering Committee | Western Mass CodePink | MA Pax Christi | Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution (FCCPR) | Northampton Friends Meeting | Springfield Climate Justice Coalition | Progressive Democrats of America, MA | Newton Dialogues on Peace and War | Demilitarize Western Mass | Veterans for Peace, Smedley D. Butler Brigade | Environmental Justice Team of First Parish Church UU, Cambridge | Elders Climate Action, MA | WILPF Boston

Current Co-Sponsors include:

  • Sen. Joanne Comerford   (D – Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester)
  • Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa   (D – 1st Hampshire)
  • Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis   (D – 7th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven   (D – 27th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Natalie Higgins   (D – 4th Worcester)
  • Rep. David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf   (D – 17th Worcester)
  • Rep. Patrick Joseph Kearney   (D – 4th Plymouth)
  • Rep. Tommy Vitolo   (D – 15th Norfolk)
  • Rep. Ruth Balser   (D – 12th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Simon Cataldo   (D – 14th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Samantha Montaño   (D – 15th Suffolk)
  • Rep. James Arena-DeRosa   (D – 8th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Mike Connolly   (D – 26th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Carmine Lawrence Gentile (D – 13th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Kay Khan (D – 11th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Danillo A. Sena (D – 37th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Marjorie C. Decker (D – 25th Middlesex)
  • Rep. Mary S. Keefe (D – 15th Worcester)
  • Sen. Jacob R. Oliveira (D –  Hampden, Hampshire and Worcester)