
Warheads to Windmills Presents:

September 2024: Two Weeks to Pressure the Profiteers!

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Continued burning of fossil fuels will make this world uninhabitable within a few decades. A nuclear war will make this world uninhabitable in a few minutes. We must end our addiction to fossil fuels and nuclear weapons before it’s too late.

The top 20 companies which profit from fossil fuels and nuclear weapons spend millions on lobbying, elections and propaganda to maintain their control over Congress and the White House. But these companies – and their investors – also care about their public image and their reputations. Boycotts, divestment and shaming are very effective tools we can use to pressure the profiteers. It’s been done before and we can do it again!

No Money for Nuclear Weapons- Sept. 16th- 22nd

and UN International Day of Peace: September 21st

No Money for Fossil Fuels – Sept. 23rd-29th

and UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: September 26th

  • Actions at company locations
  • Letter-writing and social media
  • Divest and boycott

IPB Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice.

Divest from War- Invest in Climate Justice:

These companies pose a threat to all life on earth. It’s time to boycott, divest and shame them into using their powerful political influence to END our national addiction to nuclear weapons and fossil fuels.

For previous events click here.