Coalition Partners

National organizations

NuclearBan.US currently acts as administrator for the coalition

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US


World Beyond War

Peace Action

Pax Christi USA

Catholic Worker

Grandmothers for Peace

Roots Action

Veterans For Peace

Alliance for Democracy Council

Peace, Justice, Sustainability Now


Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy

Treaty Alignment Campaign

Vote to Survive

EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the US

World Peace Now ॐ

State organizations

Massachusetts Peace Action

Peace Action Maine

Peace Action Wisconsin

Green Party of Florida

Oregon PeaceWorks

North Carolina Peace Action

Coalition for Peace Action

Peace Action New York State

Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

Minnesota Peace Project

New Jersey Peace Action

350 Mass

DC Statehood Green Party

Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts

Local organizations

Proposition One Campaign

Reject Raytheon Asheville

No More Bombs

Green Party of Bay County

Veterans for Peace, Hector Black Chapter

Veterans for Peace, Golden Rule Project

Veterans for Peace, Santa Fe Chapter

PeaceWorks Kansas City

Nuclear Abolition Now

Hampton Roads Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace

350 Salem

Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi

Taos Environmental Film Festival

Sacramento Area Peace Action

Western WA Fellowship of Reconciliation Seattle Chapter

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World

LEPOCO Peace Center

Assisi Community

Loretto Peace Community

Women Against Military Madness

Chicago Area Peace Action

Green Party of Alameda County

Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety

Massachusetts State Coalition


Massachusetts Peace Action

350 Mass

Mass Interfaith Power and Light

Traprock Center for Peace and Justice

Center for Nonviolent Solutions

Climate Action Now

New England Peace Pagoda

Better Future Project

Nuclear Free Future Coalition

First Churches Justice & Peace, Northampton

Western MA CodePink

Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment

Haydenville Congregational Church, Peace and Justice Steering Committee

Citizen’s Climate Lobby Hilltowns Mass Chapter

Pax Christi Massachusetts

Northampton Friends Meeting

Springfield Climate Justice Coalition

Progressive Democrats of America, Massachusetts

Newton Dialogues on Peace and War

Demilitarize Western Mass

Veterans for Peace, Smedley D. Butler Brigade

Framingham Friends Meeting