Company Actions

The tools, ideas, and resources below can be used to inspire social and societal pressure on corporations putting profit ahead of people and planet.

Check out our divestment resources to learn how you can add financial pressure!

Nuclear Weapons Divestment –>

Fossil Fuel Divestment –>

View banners and posters for in person actions, as well as tools for contacting the media about actions, and more on our Tools Page!

View Nuclear Weapons Corporations Map and Information

Actions at the Companies:

Visit profiteering CORPORATIONS to get their attention and to raise public awareness. Do they have offices or facilities near you? They care about their reputations, and they have deep relationships with the government and its purse strings.

Note: For all of these ideas, one of the most important ways to have an impact is to try and get press or media coverage of the action! For sample press releases and other publicity resources see our media tools here!

Use these ideas as inspiration! Get as creative as you want! The more unique an event, the more likely for the media to be interested.

Whatever you choose to do, ask yourself: What makes this effective as well as fun? Am I working in coordination with others? Are my facts accurate? Is my behavior nonviolent? Do I have plans to follow up?

Engaging with employees

Visit corporate sites involved in making nuclear weapons with signs about what you are doing and leaflets to hand to employees or interested parties. Set up in the morning when employees are going to work, or at the end of the day when they are leaving. Try to engage in conversation on the dangers of Nuclear Weapons and how their skills are needed elsewhere, for example to address the climate crisis.

Handing out coffee and donuts to the employees is a good way to start the conversation. Even if no productive conversations are had, it is important to show the employees and the company that the community does not support their work.


Jobs of Life, Jobs of Death

Standouts, Vigils, Demonstrations

Standouts at the companies, with cohesive signs and banners can help engage the rest of the community, informing them of the work the Nuclear Weapons Profiteers are doing. Make it clear that they are unwelcome in the community and we want them out of the Nuclear Weapons industry.

Pictured: A standout outside of a Raytheon Operated US Air Force weapons manufacturing facility in Tuscon, Arizona.

Photo Credit: Jack Cohen-Joppa

More Creative Actions

There are many ways you can draw attention to these companies beyond simply standing there with signs, if you want to get creative!

Die-ins, Street Theatre and other Actions

Dressing up as UN inspectors (see below), using puppets, reading out the text of the Nuclear Ban Treaty, or staging a “die-in” are just a few ways you can increase your visibility – and your likelihood of getting media attention.

Crime Scene Tape

“Symbolically” blocking an entrance or surrounding a building with crime scene tape makes it clear that it is the companies, not us, that are breaking international law and threatening the planet.

Nuclear Ban Treaty Compliance Units:

Visit corporate sites involved in making nuclear weapons as self-appointed “Treaty Compliance Units” or “UN Weapons Inspectors.” INFORM the staff that their company is engaged in activities prohibited under international law by the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. You may be able to get away with putting up signs on a fence, door, or even posted in the ground, declaring this site to be engaged in illegal activities under international law.

Learn more about visiting a site as a treaty compliance unit and find resources to use on your journey here:

Pictured: A Treaty Compliance Unit in action

Civil Disobedience Disruptions

There are many ways you can protest at company sites without risking arrest. And if the police come and tell you that you are on private property, you can always move. But if you really want media attention, there is nothing more powerful than nonviolent civil disobedience. This can involve blocking the entrances to the companies, staging a sit-in at an office and refusing to leave, or performing other acts of civil disobedience that are clearly illegal. These kinds of actions require a lot of planning and preparation. You need to know the risks and the potential consequences if you are performing civil disobedience, and it is always best to be part of a group, to get proper training, and to have a legal observer present.

See example of creative civil disobedience at L3Harris in Massachusetts:

For advice and further resources on civil disobedience and the law, see:

Contact the Companies:

If you are unable to get out to an action at the companies, you can still put the pressure on! Campaigning virtually with letters, emails, and calls to the companies or with concentrated comments on their social media pages can be an effective tool to make the companies feel the pressure.

Use these ideas and the tools below to put the pressure on!

Check the facilities near you on the map here; we may have local contact information to streamline your process!

Letter Writing Campaign

Using the tools below, anyone can easily send letters or emails to the corporate headquarters and CEOs of the Nuclear Weapons corporations.

Each company below has a sample letter written specifically about their work and lobbying in the industry. For each company you can click the blue button to send that letter through your email, or use the sample letter drop down to view the full message and send a physical letter.

This is a great easy activity you can do from your home and ask your friends to do as well!

AND you can step it up by holding a letter writing hour in your community. Maybe you can print out some of the sample letters and table in your community with stamps and envelopes, getting the community involved in the message to these corporate profiteers

You can also host a virtual letter writing hour with your group to send an email to the Profiteers.

If you can host an in person letter writing event, it would be extra effective to target a company/ local facility in your area or state. Check the map above to find the addresses of the corporations near you.

Nuclear Weapons Corporations Template Letters:

Stigmatize on Social Media

Take to social media to stigmatize these profiteering corporations! Criticize their work publicly, shame them and pile on the pressure to leave these deadly industries. Tweet at them! Leave comments on their Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages! Tag them in your own posts!

You can tailor your comments to specific work or posts of the companies or use some of our more generic samples below.

We want these companies to be constantly confronted with the ugly truth of their work. Everyone who goes to their pages should see our messages. We want to ruin their corporate reputations and make everyone confront the truth of what they are doing

You can do this alone OR make an event out of this by bringing your group or community together for an hour of concentrated spamming to shame these profiteers!  This will be more likely to get noticed by the companies and the general public!

Be sure to use the #PressuretheProfiteers hashtag so we can see it and amplify your message!

Sample Comments:

See more examples and inspiration, including how to use the company’s slogan against them in our SHAME TOOLKIT!

The billions [Insert NW Company] makes from nuclear weapons are drenched in the blood of potential victims. How can you defend your financial gain when it’s tied to an industry that endangers the entire planet?

The existence of nuclear weapons is a global threat that casts a shadow over humanity. [Insert NW Company], do you not feel any shame in being part of an industry that prioritizes destruction over human welfare?

It’s appalling that [Insert NW Company] continues to cash in on nuclear weapons while the world teeters on the brink of disaster. Do you have any conscience about profiting from the threat of catastrophic global destruction?

Phone Banking

You can also call these corporations and try to talk to someone live about your demands.  This pathway may be the most difficult to pursue with these big companies.  But, if you can get through their phone tree, it could be the most impactful.  Try to have a conversation with whoever you reach about the dangers of nuclear weapons and fossil fuels, and how they could be putting their energy to better use.

It may be more effective to call smaller local branches if you can and reach the corporations as concerned community members.

A coordinated hour with a group to bombard the company with calls and complaints can be especially effective at making them feel the pressure.

Write to the Newspaper

Another way to reach the company, and to do so in the public eye to gain attention from the community, is to write letters to the editor. Letters to the editor are one of the most read parts of the paper, and small, local newspapers especially are more likely to publish submissions. They are generally in response to a recent article or event. If you have a nuclear weapons company in your town, then you have a good hook to get the attention of your community.

Get letters to the editor about the nuclear weapons industry. Talk about all of the money and resources going into something so incredibly dangerous and where it could be better spent in your town and on a wider scale. You can talk about the power these companies have over congress with their money and influence. Exposing these corporations in the public eye is a great way to get others in your community involved in the movement and build momentum for the campaign. It is also likely the companies themselves will see your letter!

Find more media tools here.

Use the template below to get started!

download template

Letter to the Editor  



Why are we still burning fossil fuels like it’s not wrecking the climate and endangering our very lives? Why do we tolerate the existence of nuclear weapons that could wipe us all out in an afternoon? 

Follow the money. The top companies that profit from fossil fuels and nuclear weapons spend millions of dollars lobbying Congress, funding campaigns, sponsoring climate-denying and nuclear “deterrence” think tanks, and feeding lies to the media, and in return they get billions of dollars’ worth of profits from petroleum-friendly policies.

During the two “weeks of action” September 16-29, I’m using the website to pressure the profiteers. We can all divest, boycott, stigmatize, protest, and contact the companies directly. We can all demand that our legislators take much bolder action than ever before – which will be more effective if the profiteers who fund their campaigns are feeling the pressure too.   

View Fossil Fuel Corporations Map and Information

Actions at the Companies

Visit profiteering CORPORATIONS to get their attention and to raise public awareness. Do they have offices or facilities near you? They care about their reputations, and they have deep relationships with the government and its purse strings.

Note: For all of these ideas, one of the most important ways to have an impact is to try and get press or media coverage of the action! For sample press releases and other publicity resources see our media tools here!

Whatever you choose to do, ask yourself: What makes this effective as well as fun? Am I working in coordination with others? Are my facts accurate? Is my behavior nonviolent? Do I have plans to follow up?

Leafleting Gas Stations

You can have a stand out at a gas station, leafletting to customers and the community about boycotting the big corporations. The biggest lobbyers may own most of the big gas station brands but there are alternative options! Let the customers know what Big Oil is doing to their community and how they can have an impact.

 Gas station owners are often approached by other brands to make a switch. You can make the ask too! This is something gas stations were able to do during the Shell boycott during the 1980s. If they are not able to make a switch due to contractual or other business obligations, ask them to take a pledge to not renew their current branding deal with Big Oil when it expires. Ask the gas station owners directly what the terms of their deal are, and try to work with them to support them in disaffiliating. Download the template letter to gas stations below.

Research your local gas stations to let people know about better alternatives in your area. For Example, in Massachusetts, Pride and Big Y Express may be better options to avoid Big Oil and their congressional influence.

You can use this leaflet below, or make your own!

Standouts, Vigils, Demonstrations

Standouts at company locations or local gas stations, with cohesive signs and banners, can help engage the rest of the community, informing them of the work the Climate Crisis Profiteers are doing. Make it clear that they are unwelcome in the community and we want a transition to renewable energy.

If there is a proposed project for new fossil fuel infrastructure in your area you can also organize protests against it’s development.

Example: Springfield, MA Pipeline Protests in the News

More Creative Actions

In addition to being present with banners, signs and leaflets, you may want to consider more creative ideas, such as a die-in, using crime scene tape or other forms of street theater or stunts to draw attention. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to attract local media. You can also use photos and videos to share on social media.

To go with story by Andrew Dykes. Extinction Rebellion held ‘fossil fool’ protests in Edinburgh. Picture shows; Extinction Rebellion held ‘fossil fool’ protests in Edinburgh.. Edinburgh. Supplied by Extinction Rebellion Date; 01/10/2022

Civil Disobedience Disruptions

There are many ways you can protest at company sites and gas stations without risking arrest. And if the police come and tell you that you are on private property, you can always move. But if you really want media attention, there is nothing more powerful than nonviolent civil disobedience. This can involve blocking the entrances to the companies, staging a sit-in at their office and refusing to leave, or performing other acts of civil disobedience that are clearly illegal. These kinds of actions require a lot of planning and preparation. You need to know the risks and the potential consequences if you are performing civil disobedience, and it is always best to be part of a group, to get proper training, and to have a legal observer present.

Some examples of creative civil disobedience:

London, UK. 25th Apr, 2019. Extinction Rebellion demonstrators glue themselves together outside HM Treasury, London UK. Credit: Vladimir Morozov/akxmedia

For advice and further resources on civil disobedience and the law, see:

2. Contact the Companies:

If you are unable to get out to an action at the companies, you can still put the pressure on! Campaigning virtually with letters, emails, and calls to the companies or with concentrated comments on their social media pages can be an effective tool to make the companies feel the pressure.

Use these ideas and the tools below to put the pressure on!

Check the facilities near you on the map here; we may have local contact information to streamline your process!

Letter Writing Campaign

Using the tools below, anyone can easily send letters or emails to the corporate headquarters and CEOs of the fossil fuel corporations.

Each company below has a sample letter written specifically about their work and lobbying in the industry. For each company you can click the blue button to send that letter through your email, or use the sample letter drop down to view the full message and send a physical letter.

This is a great easy activity you can do from your home and ask your friends to do as well!

AND you can step it up by holding a letter writing hour in your community. Maybe you can print out some of the sample letters and table in your community with stamps and envelopes, getting the community involved in the message to these corporate profiteers

You can also host a virtual letter writing hour with your group to send an email to the Profiteers.

If you can host an in person letter writing event, it would be extra effective to target a company/ local facility in your area or state. Check the map above to find the addresses of the corporations near you.

Fossil Fuel Corporation Template letters:

Stigmatize on Social Media

Take to social media to stigmatize these profiteering corporations! Criticize their work publicly, shame them and pile on the pressure to leave these deadly industries. Tweet at them! Leave comments on their Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages! Tag them in your own posts!

You can tailor your comments to specific work or posts of the companies or use some of our more generic samples below.

We want these companies to be constantly confronted with the ugly truth of their work. Everyone who goes to their pages should see our messages. We want to ruin their corporate reputations and make everyone confront the truth of what they are doing

You can do this alone OR make an event out of this by bringing your group or community together for an hour of concentrated spamming to shame these profiteers!  This will be more likely to get noticed by the companies and the general public!

Be sure to use the #PressuretheProfiteers hashtag so we can see it and amplify your message!

Sample Comments:

See more examples and inspiration, including how to use the company’s slogan against them in our SHAME TOOLKIT!

The world is moving towards a sustainable future, but [Insert FF Company] remains entrenched in the fossil fuel industry. How can you continue to profit from environmental destruction when the planet desperately needs leadership in clean energy and sustainability?

[Insert FF Company]’s financial gain from fossil fuels reflects a disturbing level of greed and disregard for the planet. How do you justify making money from activities that are accelerating climate change and causing widespread devastation?

[Insert FF Company], your role in the fossil fuel industry showcases a blatant disregard for the environment and public health. Do you have no remorse for pushing the planet towards irreversible damage?

Phone Banking

You can also call these corporations and try to talk to someone live about your demands.  This pathway may be the most difficult to pursue with these big companies.  But, if you can get through their phone tree, it could be the most impactful.  Try to have a conversation with whoever you reach about the dangers of nuclear weapons and fossil fuels, and how they could be putting their energy to better use.

It may be more effective to call smaller local branches if you can and reach the corporations as concerned community members.

A coordinated hour with a group to bombard the company with calls and complaints can be especially effective at making them feel the pressure.

Write to the Newspaper

Another way to reach the company, and to do so in the public eye to gain attention from the community, is to write letters to the editor. Letters to the editor are often the most read part of the paper, and small, local newspapers especially are more likely to publish submissions. They are generally in response to a recent article or event. If you have a fossil fuel plant, a pipeline project, or other similar infrastructure in your area, then you have a good hook to get the attention of your community.

Getting letters to the editor about taking action against the fossil fuel industry, the need to stop burning fossil fuels immediately, and the power these companies have over congress with their money and influence is a great way to get others in your community involved in the movement and build momentum for the campaign. It is also likely the companies themselves will see your letter.

Find more media tools here.

Use the template below to get started!

download template

Letter to the Editor  



Why are we still burning fossil fuels like it’s not wrecking the climate and endangering our very lives? Why do we tolerate the existence of nuclear weapons that could wipe us all out in an afternoon? 

Follow the money. The top companies that profit from fossil fuels and nuclear weapons spend millions of dollars lobbying Congress, funding campaigns, sponsoring climate-denying and nuclear “deterrence” think tanks, and feeding lies to the media, and in return they get billions of dollars’ worth of profits from petroleum-friendly policies.

During the two “weeks of action” September 16-29, I’m using the website to pressure the profiteers. We can all divest, boycott, stigmatize, protest, and contact the companies directly. We can all demand that our legislators take much bolder action than ever before – which will be more effective if the profiteers who fund their campaigns are feeling the pressure too.