Warheads to Windmills events at the 3MSP

The Third Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW is happening next week in New York, March 3-7th. We’ll be holding 4 exciting side events for civil society and states parties engaging the Warheads to Windmills agenda in different parts of the Treaty. Are you joining civil society at the meeting in New York? Register for our events below! For more information, detailed programs of these events, and updated information about registration, check our events page.

Civil society engagement in the TPNW is crucial for shaping the conversations around these meetings. Events like these in the margins of the Meeting of States Parties are important. Please consider donating to Warheads to Windmills so we can continue holding events like this.

Tuesday, March 4th

Article 5: Preliminary Discussions on National Implementation
1:15pm-2:30pm in Conference Room 6, UN Headquarters, NY

Hosted by the Permanent Mission of Malta

Registration required by Friday, February 28th. UN badge required.

This event will discuss the progress of states parties to fulfill obligations under Article 5 of the treaty, enacting national legislation to enact the Treaty domestically.

Wednesday, March 5th

Strategies for Promoting the TPNW in the US Congress
1:30pm-2:30pm, Bahai International Community, 866 United Nations Plaza #120, New York

Open to all activists and advocates for nuclear abolition.

Registration required by noon, Monday March 3rd

The Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Conversion Act will be reintroduced in congress to call on the United States to sign the TPNW. Members of Congress will give a press briefing on the bill from Washington DC. TPNW activists in New York will watch the launch and strategize.

Thursday, March 6th

Follow the money: Nuclear Weapons, Divestment and the TPNW
1:15pm-2:30pm in Conference Room A, UN Headquarters, NY

NGO side event hosted by ICAN, PAX, and NuclearBan.US

Open to all, UN badge required. This event will take stock and address current challenges and opportunities in promoting the Treaty’s objectives through the channel of divestment.

Friday, March 7th

Building Support for a Fossil Fuel Treaty Lessons from the TPNW Process
1:30pm-2:30pm, Bahai International Community, 866 United Nations Plaza #120, New York

NGO Side Event hosted by NuclearBan.US, Warheads to Windmills, and the Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty Initiative

Registration required by noon, Wednesday March 5th.

This briefing will explore the urgent need for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a proposal currently spearheaded by 16 nation-states and the valuable lessons that can be drawn from the TPNW process.

Registration opening March 2nd!

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about these events.

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