
You can donate to the Warheads to Windmills Coalition by filling out one (or both) of the forms below. The first is for donations going to the tax-deductible (501c3) work of the Coalition, and the second is for donations to the non-tax-deductible (501c4) work of the Coalition. Both are needed!

1. Donate to Warheads to Windmills

Tax-deductible donations for the educational (501c3) activities of the Warheads to Windmills Coalition can be made via credit card or paypal using the form below. Checks made out to “Warheads to Windmills” can be sent to: Warheads to Windmills, c/o 59 Gleason Rd, Northampton, MA 01060.

P.S. After you enter a donation amount, you can choose to make an optional donation to our free fundraising software, “Zeffy.” But if you want to skip this, just click on the little down arrow next to 17% and put a 0 (or another amount) in the “other” box.

2. Donate to Warheads to Windmills (advocacy)

Non-tax-deductible donations for the advocacy (501c4) activities of the Warheads to Windmills Coalition can be made via credit card or paypal using the form below. Checks made out to “Warheads to Windmills (Advocacy” can be sent to: Warheads to Windmills, c/o 59 Gleason Rd, Northampton, MA 01060.

P.S. After you enter a donation amount, you can choose to make an optional donation to our free fundraising software, “Zeffy.” But if you want to skip this, just click on the little down arrow next to 17% and put a 0 (or another amount) in the “other” box.